The repo (wetlands) and surrounding areas are home to many of Aotearoa’s endangered native fish, birds, plants, trees and important landmarks.
Stories of Wairarapa Moana
“Now and then there was a great meeting of all the waters that would flood right back to Papawai. That’s how that place got its name. The fern that grew there would enjoy wet feet, so it loved the wai (water) and the papa (soil). There would be lots of plants who enjoyed the repo (wetlands). The giant kahikatea (white pine) as a popular likeness.”
The Moana’s birdlife includes the matuku (Australasian bittern), a shy, endangered bird that hides amongst plants. They and many others rely on the wetlands for breeding, feeding and shelter.
Lake Dwellers
Our tuna are the largest freshwater eel species in the world. Get to know them and the other beautiful creatures in our waters.
Plants and ecosystems
The distinctive raupō (bullrush) grows up to three metres tall and helps with water purification. Just one of our many unique native plants to see.
feature creature
Every season, we will introduce to you one member of the wildlife family that lives at Wairarapa Moana.