Pūtangitangi, paradise shelduck
are hunted every year
© jacqui-nz, licensed under (CC-BY-NC)
Where you can find them:
Across New Zealand in high country and lowlands, on grassy areas and river flats. With an increasing population of around 700,000 they are a common sight.
What they look like:
Colourful, noisy and larger than true ducks, paradise shelducks can sometimes be mistaken for geese. Males are dark grey or black while females are chestnut coloured with a white head and upper neck.
Did you know:
They’re one of the few native species that have benefited from the arrival of European settlers. They thrived as native forest was replaced by farmland.
How you can help:
Stick to the hunting regulations and report any misconduct to the local Fish and Game office.